Use Docker

ChainerUI provides Dockerfile from version 0.4.0 and ChainerUI server can be run on a Docker container.

Get Docker container

The Docker container can be got from DockerHub or built yourself. When getting the container from DockerHub, set the latest version to the tag. The below code gets the version 0.4.0 container:

$ docker pull chainer/chainerui:v0.4.0

When building Docker container yourself, use Dockerfile placed in docker directory:

$ git clone
$ cd chainerui
$ docker build -t chainer/chainerui:v0.4.0 -f docker/Dockerfile .

Run ChainerUI server

The Docker container has already setup a command to start the server, and requires port number to be linked to host (-p option) and volume to be mounted (-v option):

$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 -v /path/to/job:/projects --name chainerui chainer/chainerui:v0.4.0
  • -p 5000:5000: the container exposes port 5000 for ChainerUI server.
  • -v /path/to/job:/projects: the container setups /projects as Docker volumes. Remember that Docker volume does not support symbolic link and relative path.

ChainerUI server will run, open http://localhost:5000/ .

When stop the container:

$ docker stop chainerui

When restart the container:

$ docker start chainerui


ChainerUI stores all data, such as logs, args and so on, to the own DB created in the image. These data are removed when the container is removed.

Create a project

To store data such as logs and show a log chart, a project with a result directory path is needed. There are 2 ways to register projects to the server, via HTTP or via docker exec. For more detail about project function, see Create a project


The project’s path is viewed from the container: guest OS, not viewed from the host OS. For example, the result directory is below structure and the container is mounted as -v /path/to/job:/projects:

On host OS
  |--- results
         |--- result1
                |--- log
         |--- result2
                |--- log

/path/to/job is mounted to /projects in guest OS, so the project’s path is /projects/results, viewed from guest OS.


POST a project information to the endpoint /projects, following is an example command using curl:

$ curl http://localhost:5000/api/v1/projects -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"project":{"name":"PROJECT_NAME","path_name":"/projects/results"}}'

Call command directly

ChainerUI command is enabled in the container:

$ docker exec -it chainerui /bin/bash
# chainerui project create -d /projects/result -n PROJECT_NAME